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Weekly Veracity

Walking the path of truth March 7, 2022

“A sign of intelligence is an awareness of one’s own ignorance.”


Being around people who are humble and accept how little they really know is unbelievably powerful. The power comes from humility and knowing these are the people who are working hard to know more. Start working on knowing more and claiming to know about things less. Jus think how much better the world could be if everyone stopped trying to prove to everyone how right they are, and instead worked to learn more.

This week on EML Radio

You are not your thoughts. You are so much more than the random, uncontrollable thoughts that enter your head. This week I share some ways to start recognizing your thoughts for what they are and free yourself from being a puppet to your thoughts.

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Be Better

A mantra will help you refocus. A good place to start creating yours is by finding what gets you off track in the first place.

Make a point of learning from those people who know more than you do. There’s a lot of them.

Read more truths here

EAT Better

Eating for optimal wellness is much simpler than you think. Here are 3 quick tips to keep you feeling and looking your best!

  1. Protein first! Protein turns on all the right neuroreceptors and will keep you satiated, stabilize your hormones and blood sugar and help you avoid the late afternoon crash.

  2. Drink 1/2 bodyweight in ounces of water per day as a starting point. Dehydration leads to fatigue, brain fog and is disguises itself as hunger. Next time you feel hungry, ask yourself if you’re sure it’s not thirst.

  3. Pay attention to how food makes you feel. The best indicator of what foods agree with you or not is to pay attention! Your body will tell you everything you need to know.

Keep it simple!

Thank you for reading,


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Unapologetically Evie
Unapologetically Evie
Evie Fatz