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Friendtorship Application Period Is Open!

The best mentor won't tell you what to do, but rather show you how to be better in the world.

Today’s the day and I’m extremely excited to start working one-on-one with you.

Why Friendtorship?

When contemplating how to present this opportunity to work one-on-one together, I couldn’t bear the thought of referring to it as “coaching.” Not because I don’t believe in coaching - I certainly do, but nowadays coaches are a dime a dozen and most of them are full of shit. The world is swarming with gurus and on-line coaches claiming they will make you rich, teach you how to run a business, help you “find happiness” (as if it is something to be found), get six pack abs or fix your metabolic health if you just sign up for their coaching program. The reality is most of these people have taken weekend courses at best, and at worst, haven’t actually created any success in the things they’re claiming to teach you. They’re good at two things - marketing and taking your money. (Two things I’m actually terrible at;) There was no way I was going to throw myself into the bullshit mix of coaches.

So I thought about all I have learned from my coaches and mentors over the years and what I have to offer, and decided Friendtorship describes it best.

A lot of people say a friend can’t be a mentor, and I agree with that too. Friends and family are too close to be objective and honest with us. But I do believe a mentor can become a friend. That’s actually the way a mentor relationship should evolve. A leader leading, turning into your peer -eventually turning into your friend. The most beautiful, authentic and evolved version a relationship can take on.

That’s what I’m offering with this Friendship Program.

Click image to start application.

No Templates

I have created many a program in the past, with great success, for addressing temporary hurdles. This is not that. This is one-on-one relationship based mentoring, designed to give you all the help and guidance you need, in the areas you want it most. We don’t need more how-to’s, what we need is more time spent in relationship. Interacting, sharing gifts and experiences and making one another better.

How It Works

  • Complete the application. I will review applications on a first-come basis, so don’t wait. Applications will be accepted from March 1 - 15.

  • I will be accepting 2 candidates. This is what my schedule allows to ensure you get my full attention.

  • For those selected, we will begin with a one-hour onboarding zoom or in person meeting if you’re local. Then we will get to work!

  • Ongoing we will meet for one-hour per month via zoom or in-person.

  • Text communications and email as often as you’d like. (Weekly check-in at the minimum.)

  • Considering physical wellness is essential for living a better life, I will also design your nutrition and fitness program according to your goals. Whether it’s “velvet ropes” for structure, or individually designed workouts for each day, together we will determine what is best for you.

  • I’m here to help you create a better way of being. While I use systems to create structure and address improving habits, breaking bad cycles and creating self-discipline, we are going to be working towards shifting mindset so shifting behaviors is no longer so much work.

  • We will work together as long as we both find it helpful. There is no official length of time - again, exactly what you need and want.

Apply Now

A fulfilling life is created through the spirit of an exchange of gifts - from one human mind to another." -EV

I look forward to receiving your application. If you have questions please feel free to put them in the comments section here.

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Unapologetically Evie
Unapologetically Evie
Evie Fatz